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Regular Classes are listed below. There are also self guided classes under PROGRAMS in the site menu.

Class Offerings


The Water Lily Group is for the student ready to push their mediumship forward through self-development, group practice and individual sessions. Subscription to the group may be found under GROUPS in the menu. Those in that group have the option for personal sessions as well as the group sessions that come with the subscription. MUST be willing to dedicate at least 6 months when signing up, 

Week 1: The 5-W's of Mediumship

Week 2: Awareness/Healing and the Medium

Week 3: The Realities of Guides, Angels, Helpers, and Masters

Week 4: Grief/Death and the Medium

Week 5: Development, Unfoldment, and Personal Mediumistic Talents

Week 6: Truth, Philosophy, and Absolutes


The scheduling link is private to the public, although you may share it with other mediums that will benefit from this series.

Participants agree NOT to record or reproduce any part of the class. If they wish to listen again or miss a class, they will have access to the recording one week after the class.

Integral Understanding

Perspectives, Perceptions and Progress on a personal and an instutional and community level. 

Quantum Living Method Healing

The Quantum Living Process is an extraordinary fusion of scientific research adn ancient wisdom meticulously crafted to guide you toward profound personal evolution. 

- a 6 week elective course designed to empower you.

- Dynamic exercises emlightening video presentations and engaging discussions.

- Dive into introspection to unravel triggers and navigate challenging moments

-Uncover unconscious cultural and social programming rooted in early childhood

- Transform ingrained patterns of thought and feeling and behavior

​-Cultivate self awareness, self compassion and emotional resiliency 


​Sign up for class on the BOOKING PAGE



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